Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hail Mylicon!

After another tough night of crying, just when John and I had decided that Julia's main problem was that she was just a little bit spoiled.....we discovered Mylicon. Becca seemed shocked when I told her that we had not given any of the coveted gas drops to Julia before now. I finally gave in last night and gave her some after some tough hours of nothing else seeming to work. MAGIC! Now, our major concern is that we don't OD her on these magical drops. John asked me today how often he could give them to her. I asked Tara and she assured me tonight that we couldn't OD her.
Julia got her first birthday party invitation in the mail today! Emmy (Tara's baby) is turning one and they are having an Emmy party. So cute! We cannot wait! I have always missed out on children's parties. When I did go, I always felt akward being there without a child of my own. Julia and I are looking forward to lots more birthday parties in the future!
I am getting ready for Thursday nights Chamber of Commerce banquet. I am the incoming Chamber president this year. It will be a lot of fun, but I am nervewracked about my speech and I also have to present the volunteer of the year award. So far, there have been over 350 tickets sold, so I will have a huge audience!!!! Being the Chamber president also allows me a position on the Economic Development Board. It is a great opportunity and I have learned so much. These kinds of things keep my work/professional life interesting and make life away from Julia a little more bearable. This will be the first time that I have left her with someone other than John. Sarah is coming over to keep her while I am at the banquet and John is at college. She will do fine and I truly should not worry........
John is doing well in college. I make fun of him because he reads all of his chapters before he goes to class. I guess every new student is concientious like that at first. He says he can't afford to fail! He is going to do great. He is loving staying at home with Julia while I work. I think he is finally starting to realize that she is a full time job!


Richard said...

Julia came to grandma and grandpa's house yesterday. Her first time and we had fun. She is growing and growning too. Grandpa

jane bonady watson said...

Julia is NOT spoiled!!!!! Julia idi PERFECT! My how she has changed...I hope I get to come over this weekend and see her...

Sarah will be a great babysitter.

aunt jane

Pat said...

I wish I'd known about Mylicon and Gripe Water! You kids didn't have the "advantages" babies do today! (ha) Sorry...

My regrets not being able to be at the banquet tonight. I am so proud of you for being Chamber President - you'll be a great one!

Our kids did okay, after all, without M and GW, I guess! You all turned out so smart and great!