Monday, January 28, 2008

A Loud Night

Julia cried for a really long time last night! I tried so hard not to pick her up once I had done everything I knew to do...fed her, changed her diaper, rocked her, played with her, etc. I even gave her some "Gripe Water" which is an herbal remedy that people swear by. Nothing worked. After about 2 hours of crying, I picked her up and laid her in my bed. Within two minutes, she was asleep! Go figure.
Her eyes are bright blue and beautiful! With my brown eyes, which are a dominant trait, I always thought I would have a brown-eyed baby! She got John's pretty blue eyes and I think she looks more like him every day. Dr. Beth thinks her eyes will stay blue because they already have so much color.

1 comment:

jane bonady watson said...

Pick her up whenever she wants. Put her in your bed all the time. Do whatever Julia wants. Get a bigger bed. Wear that baby! You CANNOT spoil a baby!!! Especially Julia!

aunt jane