Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Truly, A Happy Birthday!

Sweet girl!

So far, today has been a great birthday! I am at home for lunch, and John is at class taking his last final for the semester. We are both ready for him to get a break from school!
First, I was on the radio this morning talking about a new babysitting class that we are offering at the hospital and they were doing the birthday calendar while I was there. Out of 26 other people who were having birthdays today, I was the lucky winner of a cappuccino. Then, when I get to work, I get paged to the front office where I walk in and everyone starts singing happy birthday. The girls in the front office brought stuff to eat and it was all delicious. To top it all off, when I came home for lunch and rounded the corner to see Julia, she crawled faster than I have ever seen her to where I was standing. Then she looked up at me and gave me a HUGE smile! Before John left for class, he told me that he had the salmon that he was going to cook me for dinner in the refrigerator thawing. Wow....can it get any better than that?

Julia has had a lot of "firsts" in the past couple of days. Thought I would list some. First time to:
1. Ride a toy
2. Be able to crawl from room to room. This mobility changes everything! We can't leave her alone for one second.
3. Eat ice and a leaf of spinach.
4. Drink correctly out of a sippy cup.
5. To pull up on the railing of her crib and was standing when I went in to get her!
6. Sit on the kitchen floor and play on the floor while I am cooking dinner (she used to sit in her Bumbo chair on the bar, but she is too big for that now!)
7. Say Da-da....he is so extremely proud!

As always, things are getting to be more and more fun around our house.
Truly, a Happy Birthday.

Julia after crawling from her room across the hall into the laundry room where I was folding clothes.

Julia's knee with carpet burn after a busy day of crawling.

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