Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rain, Rain.....

Last night we slept with the windows open and it felt so good. I woke up to the sound of rain. I always wake Julia up to feed her before I leave for work. I know I shouldn't wake her up, but the real reason I do it is so that we have some time to cuddle and hang out before I leave. She is so sweet in the mornings. This morning, I was outside of the covers and John said three times....."Call in sick"....."Stay at home" If he had any idea how tempting it was, he wouldn't say it. I have never called in sick to my job (other than when I was on bedrest with Julia). He kept trying to put the cover over us and keep us home. I grudgingly got up and made it out the door. I am so glad that he gets to stay in bed and listen to Julia sing and to the rain.

1 comment:

jane bonady watson said...

Joy, what a precious entry! You are so giving and be happy for John to stay with your precious Julia and listen to the rain! That is what makes you so special.

Aunt Jane