Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Waiting Game

Julia kept having little blood spots on her shirts for the past three or four days and I kept thinking it was us getting a little blood on her. Finally, yesterday at lunch there was another one so I stripped her down and looked for the source. I couldn't see anything! I squeezed her tummy and then her nipple and a little bit of blood came out. I know....bizarre. So I immediately called Dr. Beth and she told me to bring her in. It is extremely rare....only 9 cases ever documented. She says she thinks it will spontaneously resolve itself, but she drew some lab and is sending us to LeBonheur for an ultrasound just to make sure that everything is okay. I am not too worried even though it is so weird. She printed out the article that she found and it sounds like the 9 documented cases turned out to be nothing serious. They are supposed to call me with an appointment time and date today.
In the meantime, Julia is totally oblivious and spends most of her spare time smiling at her Dad!

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