Christmas Eve day, Emmy came over to visit and brought Julia the coolest teepee (Julia refers to it as her house) that Tara made.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Giggles and Squeals
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tis the Season!
The cookies did help make it a little more tolerable!
Opening presents at Miss Melinda's!
We took Julia to see Santa twice this year. This was our second try when he was at Eldridge Court. She just wasn't having it and I never did get a good picture! She was only interested in grabbing the candy canes that he was offering her and running the other way!
Even with me standing beside Santa and patting his leg, she still wasn't having it!
However, she did love the blow ups at Eldridge Court this year. I spent many nights circling this area! She would scream, "other side again!" as soon as we finished looking at one side! She loved the Christmas lights that lined Falls and the ones on people's houses. What I used to think was ugly Christmas decorations has now become beautiful! Everything looks different when you see it through the eyes of a child!
Cleaning out the toy box to make room for the new!
Julia and her new handmade mittens from Aunt Jane! The only reason she took them off was because she realized that she couldn't suck her fingers with them on!
We bought Julia some new sheets, down comforter, a soft mattress pad and a new pillow for her big girl bed. Ever since we put them on, she has not looked back! She LOVES her new bed. John even took down her crib today. I have to admit, I was a little sad. It seems like its the end of an era!
In other news, John graduated from EACC with an Associates degree in Business management. His GPA was pretty remarkable and I never dreamed our lives would have headed in that direction. I am so proud and more importantly, grateful that he was able to take these two years to be at home with Julia as much as he could. We have certainly been lucky to have been given this opportunity at such an important time in Julia's life. We'll see where his years of work experience and now college degree will take him.
John has been playing alot of gigs and music lately.....which he loves. I have been sewing until my fingers bleed....which I love (well, love most of the time!) What a bonus that we can both make money being creative and doing what we love!
Here's some stockings that I made!
Julia is still the center of our universe. She has started to love singing. Her favorite songs are Happy Birthday, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, ABCs, and Night Night Night (a song my mother made up and used to sing to me at night). She knows all of the colors....even the hard ones like gray! She can recognize all of her letters and only gets a few confused every now and then. And her vocabulary is unbelievable! She can hold a conversation like an adult now and is very expressive. She keeps us rolling with what she says. You never know what will come out! She told me a couple of weeks ago while eating some dried cranberries that she was eating "cranbooties!" She refers to herself as my. Like, "look what my made."
Here she is with magic marker caps on her fingers telling me that she is 2 years old!
She tells everybody that she is "mommy's itty bitty and daddy's sweetheart!"
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Month of the Birthdays!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Paving the Way to Stardom
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My 2 Year Old Little Sweetheart!
Kissing singing Rudolph good night while sucking her fingers. Now that is what you call multitasking!